
Making Your Computer Rock-Solid

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Making Your Computer Rock-Solid

If you are like me, you might rely heavily on your computer for work everyday. Unfortunately, if you haven't reinforced your system with security software and system updates, your computer might not last forever. A few years ago, I was plugging along when my computer completely died. After spending hundreds of dollars on manufacturer repairs, a friend of mine who worked in computer services taught me a few tips. I want to teach you to make your computer rock-solid, so that you don't have to deal with surprise system failures and annoying glitches. After all, nothing is worse than a computer with problems.

Web Design Tips To Keep Viewers On Your Website

Once your website is online, there are two important things that it must do: it must bring in viewers, and it must hold viewers' attention once they are there. If you don't have traffic, people won't see what's on your website, but if they don't stay there once they see it, it's practically the same thing. There are certain things you should know about how viewers typically use the Internet that should factor into how you design and modify your website.

Make The Focal Point Obvious

When someone visits your website, they are only going to spend a limited time there unless they see something that catches their eye. Your job is to place something that will grab their attention; if their curiosity is piqued, they'll spend more time on your site while they investigate.

For example, if you're selling a product of any kind, put something near the top or center of the page that is a short and simple description of one of its best qualities. If the product is free, for example, it's worth making the word "free" plainly visible, whether by making it a part of a graphic or bolding the text.

Keep It Simple

Simplicity applies both to your designs and the way your viewers interact with your website. For example, if you have a signup or contact form, minimize how many fields a person needs to fill in. The longer a form is, the more likely it is that someone may feel overwhelmed and decide to leave your website instead.

The design's simplicity is also important. Try to minimize how many clicks it takes to get to each page from other pages, and cut down on scrolling whenever possible. If you can put information in two horizontal rows instead of two vertical columns, your viewers will be able to see everything without having to move up and down. You can also cut down on the total number of pages your website has. If your viewers can see what they're likely to find on your site with just a cursory glance, they're more likely to stick around to see it all.

Be Up Front

Your website is where you advertise what product or service you have available, but it isn't the place to make a sales pitch. Viewers are already on your site, which means there's already some level of interest. Instead of vague or catchy titles or slogans, clearly explain what you have to offer. Your website is there to answer questions, not create new ones.

Use White Space

White space is whatever parts of your website that are left blank; i.e., spaces on your pages that don't have text, images or links. It is possible to have too much of it, but by balancing content and white space, you can make your website seem less intimidating. It can help viewers more easily digest the information on your page and make it easier to organize. Many search engines, for example, make good use of white space—what you need to see is clearly presented and straightforward even though there isn't all that much to see.

Instead of crowding your website with content and trying to fit it all in a small area, spread it out. If you find that you have too much content, focus on cutting down on that rather than trying to squeeze it all together. By spreading things out, you can draw attention to your logo, your menu or key parts of your website that you want people to see right away.